Well, COVID is shutting down businesses again as we talked about last week. Yet some businesses continue to do well, even thrive!
If you own such a company, congrats! But how do you position it without sounding opportunistic or boastful? Doing so can create your own Crisis PR situation.
You can still promote your success. Just do it in terms of the value you bringing to employees and customers. Talk about the essential service you provide for people to operate in these uncertain times. Discuss how you can still employ people so they can put food on their table. Couch it all with how you operate in as safe of an environment as possible. In short, make it about them – not you.
Positioning yourself as the steady, calming force in these crazy moments will place your organization is a good light. Downplay talking about unprecedented sales or record profits. You’ll turn people way off when you do, and your competitors will take full advantage of those situations if you let them.