by David Oates | May 13, 2020 | Blog
I see a lot more people on the road that in recent weeks. I guess some of these folks believe, or at least hope, that life will get back to normal sooner rather than later. Well, that got a bit of cold water this week when the White House Infectious Disease Head...
by David Oates | Apr 16, 2020 | Blog
I’m starting to see signs that at least we’ve hit an apex, generally for the country, if not for individual states, which begs the question as to when are things going to open again, how quickly and to what degree are things going to return to normal? I...
by David Oates | Mar 30, 2020 | Blog
If you want to see somebody who’s handling the Coronavirus news the right way, pay attention to New York Governor Cuomo. He continually demonstrates his ability to deliver bad news straightforward, but in a way that also showcases the efforts that are underway,...
by David Oates | Mar 12, 2020 | Blog
I’ve been on the phone for the last couple of days asking folks about the Coronavirus. In particular, I wanted to determine their willingness to participate in some of the events that going on with some of the nonprofits with whom I work, as well as some a few...
by David Oates | Feb 11, 2020 | Blog
Well, it’s official. The Coronavirus has reached panic proportions. It’s in part because it has now eclipsed the amount of those infected from the SARS virus. Here in San Diego we actually have a confirmed report of one person being affected. I’m...