by David Oates | Oct 17, 2020 | Blog
There’s a lot of things to watch on the news of late. I have been following the vaccine trial development that a lot of pharmaceutical companies are undertaking right now. Not surprisingly, many of them have had setbacks requiring them to halt the trials. Some...
by David Oates | Oct 1, 2020 | Blog
I hate to say this, but I think we’re about ready to hit the second wave of unemployment crisis as a result of COVID-19. Just last week Disney said they’re laying off combine 28,000 workers from its Disney World and Disneyland properties. We saw American...
by David Oates | Sep 24, 2020 | Blog
What works for this dysfunctional industry will turn into a full-on disaster for your organization’s brand and your reputation. I just had one of the most interesting conversations with a fellow business consultant. He’s a guy who’s essentially a CEO...
by David Oates | Aug 2, 2020 | Blog
Watch Melissa Rein Lively’s video rant where she trashes a Target store’s face mask display around Scottsdale, Arizona during the July 4th holiday. It’s pretty impressive. As a result, this public relations practitioner apparently lost all of her clients...
by David Oates | Jul 17, 2020 | Blog
Did you see last week’s melee featuring the now-former CEO of Solid Eight Cloud Computing Firm, Michael Lofthouse? He went on this inexplicable and very hateful, racist rant against the family, who happened to be Asian, sitting in a neighboring table and a safe...