by David Oates | Aug 2, 2020 | Blog
Watch Melissa Rein Lively’s video rant where she trashes a Target store’s face mask display around Scottsdale, Arizona during the July 4th holiday. It’s pretty impressive. As a result, this public relations practitioner apparently lost all of her clients...
by David Oates | Jul 30, 2020 | Blog
Man, baseball got in a heap of trouble early with the Miami Marlins getting shut down for nearly a week with a massive COVID outbreak. It also caused the postponement of the Philadelphia Phillies – New York Yankee game at Philly to disinfect the visiting...
by David Oates | Jul 17, 2020 | Blog
Did you see last week’s melee featuring the now-former CEO of Solid Eight Cloud Computing Firm, Michael Lofthouse? He went on this inexplicable and very hateful, racist rant against the family, who happened to be Asian, sitting in a neighboring table and a safe...
by David Oates | Jul 14, 2020 | Blog
Let’s talk about something completely unrelated to COVID, but no less of a crisis: the Washington Redskins. Or at least that’s what they used to be called. Full disclosure, I used to be a huge fan of that team 20 years ago. I stopped not because of their...
by David Oates | Jun 29, 2020 | Blog
Well, COVID strikes again. We just got word here in Southern California that bars, breweries, and wineries that don’t serve food will get closed before the July 4 holiday weekend. This same story now reverberates in other states dealing with surges in cases....